Thursday 21 November 2013

25 Random Things About Me

1. I see dreams in Eastman colour since childhood. Occasionally, I can even remember vivid images and people in my dreams a long time after.

2. I love being organized. Making lists, sorting stuff and putting things in order are daily chores for me.

3. I lose my appetite when people look at me eating.

4. Among so many other things, I am most grateful to my parents for believing in me and letting me chase my dreams.

5. I would love to see a ghost but haven’t still figured out if I will live to tell the story.

6. I am not drawn towards extreme adventure sports but climbing heights fascinates me. The view from the top is always worth it. Besides, biking is also one of my favourite sports.

7. Words have always been my favourite weapon of injury.

8. I try very hard not to hate people. But there are people who try even harder to make me hate them.

9. I do think men have had it easy for a long time but I am not a hard core, bra burning feminist. In fact, I am quite awed by the do-it-all women who work, cook, clean and manage to endear themselves to everyone around. They take woman power to the next level.

10. I am not a jingoistic rashtravadi but I do feel patriotic in many ways. I think I was a freedom fighter (writing anti-Raj journals furiously sitting in an underground bunk) in my last birth or at least a humble soldier fighting, on the LOC. Fortunately, both ways I must have died a martyr to be reborn as an Indian again.

11. Universal love and tolerance are God’s eternal gifts. Religion is a man made tool, often abused and manipulated by forces of evil.

12. I have been blessed to find fulfillment in the very simple and basic things. I might not exactly be living an austere life but I value spiritual well being to materialistic fancies, anyday.

13. I have been very lucky to have found love, rejected it, found love and rejected it again and yet found love a third time. Of course I have wisened and this time it IS for keeps.

14. Some secrets are best kept veiled. There is an eerie thrill in being slightly mysterious.

15. Out of all the mistakes I have committed in life, I regret none. All of them have been lessons I learnt the hard way.

16. I hate the intrusive nature of the media when it comes to celebrities. It exaggerates and castigates the exact vices we all have within us. We’re just lucky the camera doesn’t catch a glimpse of it.

17. I am half Bengali and half Maharashtrian and trust me, both halves have made a fabulously full culture curry when it comes to me!

18. God made me petite but he also made me love wearing heels. It’s only fair!!

19. The first Bollywood hero I remember being completely floored by was Jeetendra (sheesh!). It evolved to Anil Kapoor in the ‘80s and currently Hrithik Roshan. But Naseeruddin Shah silently made his way in to my list at some point, and has remained there since.

20. I am a complete foodie and the thought of putting on weight hasn’t troubled me so far. I am hoping it continues to be this way.

21. I am a thorough ‘handle-with-care’ person. The word ‘delicate darling’ was coined for me. I have fainted at bus stops and public gatherings. I have also fallen ill on every childhood vacation trip. I also, unfailingly pass out on airplanes if not administered anti-nausea pills, exactly two hours before I board one.

22. Unlike some people, I love living alone. I have had a keen sense of independence right from my kindergarten days. Self-introspection, meditative thoughts and books can keep me engaged for countless hours at a stretch.

23. Studying people is a personal hobby. I also go out of my way sometimes to please other people. It’s an irritating habit and usually ends up with those people taking me for granted.

24. I hate indecisiveness. I also pity people who don’t love children, music, nature, art and culture.

25. At 25, I have realized that age, education and wealth, don’t necessarily make a wise person.

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