Saturday 17 October 2015

The Pihu Diary: A World of Discoveries Through The Eyes of a 1 Year Old

When Pihu turned one, we were joyous with the milestone. Like most parents. Pihu meanwhile couldn’t figure what the big deal was. She was being pampered, given more attention than she could handle, was randomly moved around among a splay of arms, embraces and laps. Was smothered with kisses and cajoled into listening to random babytalk by people all around. All she relished were the bits of cake she managed to lick off my fingers and her first night out doing disco with her Dad on a dancefloor.

She also mastered the art of perching her little buns on a baby seat, wearing a napkin around her neck and picking on her choice of finger food- slices of cucumber and tomatoes which she daintily ate with little care of what the world was upto. All was well till we realised that she was now going to need to stretch those legs very soon. And get her hands dirty on everything she could pick, rub, mash, smash, crush, break, press or touch. It all began with her crawling all over the floor and taking an odd fascination for slippers and shoes which she loves to slip her nimble hands into. Yeah, not something to be proud of.  To her defence, she has also developed a strange fascination for books, journals, magazines, any sort of reading material. It doesn’t even have to have pictures. Nothing beats the glee of having that crisp morning newspaper in hand, flipping through the pages and discovering the happenings of the day. Discovery being the catch word here.

My little button-sized daughter has begun to read already in her head. Before you start dismissing her as a nerd by the way, let me warn you. She loves grooving to lively music as well. I have also caught her smiling at some people on TV, almost as if she understands what they say and finds it mildly amusing.

Her speech may be monosyllabic and inarticulate to most but mind you, she has a mind of her own when it comes to taking instructions or placing an opinion. A handful of expressions and gestures are used time and again for more emphasis. Modulating her voice to show distaste or indicate sleep, boredom or happiness is also something she is mastering right now.

Do not mistake her curiosity to know everything as a bait to lure her with something though. She will not go to you just because you find her cute or call out to her. She likes to take her time over approving her company.  She may smile at you and watch you from a distance, but don’t get too close for comfort or cuddly, our little lady likes to keep a distance till she is sure she can trust you.

Pihu loves dogs. She loves lights. She loves the outdoors. And simply adores her Mom and Dad. She wants to run before she can walk steadily and sing before she can talk coherently. Slow down kid, we want to watch you grow without losing out on these precious days of freedom, mirth and love without a care!