Sunday 1 July 2012

They Will Never Know...

There are times when I weep clairvoyant tears, tears of loss and longing...
For this generation which will sadly, never feel a sense of belonging.
There was a time we spoke a language unique to our own,
It was called our mother’s tongue, largely ethnic and home grown.
But now they all speak, read and write in English Mom,
I guess the reason is they never wanna come back home.
I know the LP, cassette and CD markets have crashed,
Music comes cheap, record prices are slashed...
But no one listens to the oldies anymore,
So who will remember Mukesh, Rafi and Kishore?
We grew old on MJ’s dance moves as he got millions agog,
That magic is laid to rest, clouding the legend in a shroud of fog.
We cheered when Sachin played, we revered his success story,
Now that he is to play no more, who is to experience his glory?
I feel lucky to have witnessed it all, and humbled by the bygone age.
And wish the lost generation could connect with me on the same page.
I am lost at conversation really, they all call me jaded now.
If only I could make them travel back in time, the only question is how!
Time races on, and people come and go,
But there is a legacy that remains to show,
Ah but kids, they don’t halt to hear and see,
Always rushing by in a hurry,
Alas, they will never know...

1 comment:

  1. they wil def. not know.. I pity them but can't do much..
